Simplicity of Linktree
Power of Wix
If you use more than one platform on the internet, Super Social is for you. If you sell products on the internet, Super Social is for you. If you often direct people to content on the internet, Super Social is for you. If you share video and audio content on the internet, Super Social is for you. Within mere minutes, Super Social's fully customizable, D.I.Y. micro-webpage generator allows you to create attractive micro-webpages that capture and publish access to any and everything you want others to see.
Super easy to use!
Sign Up
Signing up with nothing more than your name and email puts the power of totally customizable micro-webpages at your fingertips
Add Content
Add collections of bios, profile images, links to your favorite sites, icon links to your social platform accounts, embeded videos, embeded audio, and products
Design Super Links
Select which items from your profile collections you want to publish on each of your micro-webpages and then render each of your pages unique with our design customization tools
Revolutionizing how you connect
With the click of a button, bring all of your social media together in one place and publish for all to see
Put more hustle in your bio link
Optimize your social media traffic
Increase visibility and profitability
One Link, Multiple Platforms
Create and share a collection of profile images
Create an share a collection personal and professional bios
Use social platform icons to create and share a collection of hyperlinks to your social platform accounts
Create and share a collection of text links that hyperlink to your favorite web content
Create and share a collection of product profiles that hyperlink to purchase options
Create and share a collection of embeded YouTube and Vimeo videos
Create and share a collection of embeded Soundcloud audio tracks
Store and download viewer email/contact lists collected through your micro-webpages